How to teach my dog to use his doghouse 

Pug in dog house

Have you purchased a nice hutch for your dog, but he won’t lie down in it? When you went to buy the hutch, you probably didn’t take into account that most dogs need to get used to a new hiding and sleeping place. Did it bother you that your buddy is one of those dogs that does not spontaneously lie down in the cage?

Rest assured, you too will succeed in getting your four-legged friend used to his new kennel in a relaxed manner. In this article we will give you tips to practice with your dog in a positive way. This way, your pal will soon be able to spend a lot of time outside, and relax in his new place. 


What is a doghouse for? 

A doghouse is a shelter and resting place for dogs. Your dog can take a nap in the kennel in a safe and dry place. Most dog houses are purchased for outdoor use. But it is also possible to purchase a hutch for indoor use. Dogs spend a lot of time indoors. There is nothing wrong with that, but there are several reasons why dogs sometimes only spend time outside: 

  • First, being outside is delicious and healthy. Your dog usually has more freedom of movement outside than inside. He can run and play and in the meantime breathe healthy fresh air. 
  • Sometimes it is just necessary that your dog is not inside. Think for example of situations where you have visitors who are allergic. Or when you are away from home for a long time and cannot let your dog out. At times like these, it is handy that your dog can play outside and rest in his cage. 
  • Often you see that dogs are used as guard animals. These dogs are used to spending whole days outside. When the weather is not so good, but also when it is hot, they can take shelter in their familiar cage. 


Keep these 3 important points in mind while practicing: 

  • Take your time  
  • Provide for rest 
  • Stay positive 

Dog house

Take your time 

Everything a dog has to learn new takes time. A new habit is not yet ingrained with just a few practices. The age of your dog also plays a role. Do you have a puppy in the house? Puppies usually learn quickly. Start getting used to them and practicing right away. For older dogs, it is more difficult to learn a new habit. In most cases, it will also take a little more time for your older animal to get used to his new pen. 


Make sure you have enough rest 

When you want to teach something new to your dog it is important that you can do this in peace. Plan your practice sessions at times when there is quiet in the house. This can be when your partner is at work, or spending time on hobbies. Do you have children in the house? Then practice with your dog when they are at school.

Children are often only too happy to help practice with your pet. That is of course wonderful, but to keep the peace it is more convenient that they do not help now. Also look at the weather, is there rain and storm coming? This can make your animal restless. Postpone exercising until the weather is more pleasant. 


Stay positive 

Always try to keep your spirits up. Establishing new habits comes with trial and error. Not every exercise session will be easy. Stay positive and do not get angry with your buddy when things do not work out. Dogs are sensitive to negative behavior, it only makes training more difficult. If it goes a little less well one day, stop practicing and try again the next day. 


Preparing for training: getting the doghouse ready 

Do you already have the new doghouse for your four-legged friend in the garden? Or will you be purchasing a cage soon? Make sure the new home has the right dimensions. A doghouse for your dog should fit its size. Of course, the house should not be too small, but it should not be too big either. So what is the right size for the house?

Your dog should be able to lie in it easily, and there should be some room left over for a food bowl or favorite toys, for example. It is also handy when a basket or a lounger for your dog fits in. Make sure the cage is an attractive place. Put a T-shirt with your smell in it, this gives a familiar feeling to your animal. In this way you make the new kennel a cozy and familiar place. 

Child with dog

Practicing and rewarding 

You’re all set and want to start training. Pick a day with calm weather and fill your pockets with tasty reward treats. Really go step by step, some exercises you may have to repeat for days in a row before you can go a step further. We are going to list the most important steps for you: 

  • Sit quietly at the doghouse and let your dog sniff around in the garden. Wait until he comes to you and then reward him with a hug and a treat. Don’t force your dog to do anything, let him watch the hutch from a distance. Every time your dog sniffs the cage give him a reward. 
  • If this exercise goes well, you can take it a step further. Practice going into the cage. You can do this by putting a piece of food in the front of the cage. This way your dog doesn’t have to go into the cage all the way, but he will already go with his snout in that direction. If this succeeds, a big hug is of course appropriate. In this way you can go a step further and place the treat a bit further away, until your dog goes completely into the cage. 
  • Were the first steps successful? Great, you can go one step further with the training. Try to get your dog to sit or lie down in the cage. This you do with the commands that you normally also give to your animal. Is your dog still only a puppy, then you immediately practice these commands in this way. Don’t you always want to reward your buddy with treats? A hug from you is of course always good. You can also train your animal using his favorite toy. Put the toy in the cage and who knows, this may be the way in which your dog will suddenly enjoy going into the cage. Train your four-legged friend in the way that suits you best. Are you going to train around a set feeding time? Then his daily bite is the reward. Be creative and take a good look at what your dog needs to learn a new habit. Give him confidence and take as much time as necessary to get him used to the new pen.  
  • Is your training going well and is your dog lying down peacefully in his new enclosure? Then it is time to take distance. Remain, however, in the sight of your dog, but sit a little further. Literally distance yourself and give him no attention for a while. So he learns that the cage is nice when you’re not sitting next to him. If this step has also been successful, then it is time to leave your buddy alone for a while. Go inside, but do not lose sight of your animal for too long. Make sure you can see through a window what he is going to do. Does he stay quiet? Congratulations, your training has been successful. 


Important points when using a doghouse 

  • Make sure the new kennel is in a sheltered location. Preferably at the edge of your yard, in a place out of the wind and out of the bright sun. 
  • Clean the hutch regularly, this will keep it an attractive place for your dog. 
  • Our final tip is perhaps the most important: Continue to give your dog regular attention when he is alone outside. The yard and the coop are not suitable places to leave your dog alone all day. Giving attention is still important; it prevents your dog from becoming anxious and learning unwanted behaviors. 


Ready to start getting your dog used to his doghouse? 

We hope that with the tips in this article we have given you useful tools for training with your dog. Are you going to get started right away, or do you already have experience with training? We are very curious about your experiences. Will you share them with us in the comments? 

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Our readers and writers have one thing in common: a passion for dogs. At Onlinedogworld we try to help dog owners (and dogs) by giving them information about dog breeds, dog training and dog behavior. Our team does their best to make Onlinedogworld the best possible place to go to for dog owners, by keep improving the website.
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Onlinedogworld Team

Our readers and writers have one thing in common: a passion for dogs. At Onlinedogworld we try to help dog owners (and dogs) by giving them information about dog breeds, dog training and dog behavior. Our team does their best to make Onlinedogworld the best possible place to go to for dog owners, by keep improving the website.

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