Tips for training multiple dogs at once

Dog training

Having multiple dogs in your family is an absolute joy, but it comes with its own set of challenges. The biggest challenge is probably training your dogs. We all know that younger dogs require more training time. But training your dogs never really stops at a certain age and is a lifelong commitment. 

Different dogs require different training approaches and techniques. So how do you go about training multiple dogs and satisfy their individual needs? Luckily, many have come before you who have faced the same problem and found helpful solutions. There are a number of ways you can overcome this hurdle. The tips below will help you become a pro in training all your dogs. 


Individual Training Methods 

How do you train multiple dogs at the same time without losing your patience? A fair question, as raising your faithful four-legged friends can sometimes be a challenge. But don’t worry, there are countless ways to train all dogs individually. We are happy to share our methods with you and show you how to use different rooms, for example, to train your dogs separately. In addition, we give you handy tips on how to easily incorporate these exercises into your daily routine. This way you can train your dogs one by one and strengthen your bond at the same time. Let the training adventure begin! 


Crate or Tether 

Separating your dogs through a crate or by gently tethering your dog to an object in the room can be a helpful way to train your dogs individually. There is a real benefit to this means of training your dog. We are all familiar with physical training but observation is a powerful training tool, too. Your dog can observe the training session from the crate and learn at the same time. This way you are actually training both dogs!  

Bear in mind that this form of training is more suitable for an experienced dog trainer as it requires a high level of patience and endurance. Make sure to repeatedly reward the observing dog for his patience and calm behavior. 


Keep dogs in separate rooms 

If the crate or tether method is too challenging, you can separate your dogs by putting them in separate rooms. This way your dog will have their full attention on you during the training session and the other dog won’t try to engage, causing distractions. Just make sure that you leave the non-working dog with a toy or a project of some sorts to prevent any anxiety or boredom from happening.  

Dog clicker training

Informal training sessions 

Formal training sessions are great to brush up on skills and behaviors but training your dog doesn’t have to be confined to just that. There are plenty of opportunities in your day to day activities to train your dog. You can, for example, ask your dog to wait before going out, sit before meals, or to stay in place when you have guests visiting. After all, we are training our dogs to show good behavior in daily life situations so it is a great way to remind your dog of how to behave.  


An extra pair of hands 

Do you have anyone in your household who might be able to help you? Ask for their assistance. An extra pair of hands always comes in handy. They can help you train the other dog while you’re busy with one of your pups already. In case the person assisting you doesn’t have any dog training experience, there is no need to worry, they can still be of great help. They can simply entertain the non-working dog. You and your pup will have the space to focus fully on the training session.  

Are you having real difficulties with training multiple dogs? Please reach out to a professional dog trainer as they will have the skills and resources to help you and your dogs further. They might be able to provide more helpful training methods and ideas for training multiple dogs.  


Group Training Methods 

Leash method 

Once all your dogs have a good understanding of the basic commands, you can move to the next step of training your dogs at the same time. In the beginning of group training it can be very useful to use a leash. When all dogs are leashed and ready to be trained, ask only one dog at the time to do the command.

Start with simple exercises such as sit or lay down. Always reward your dogs with their favorite treats and with kind, praising words and cuddles. It is especially important to praise your dog liberally when practicing group training. As mentioned earlier, dogs also learn from observing. When they see that their friend is being praised for showing good behavior, your other dog is more inclined to show the same behavior to receive the same liberal praise.   

In addition, it is important for you to have patience. When in a group, your dog can be more easily distracted. Rather than yelling, pulling the leash or showing any other form of negative reinforcement, stay calm and help your dog with the exercise. Guide them with kindness and treats.  

A common group training mistake is that dog owners remove the leash too soon in the process. Your dog needs time to fully grasp what they are supposed to be doing and the leash help with keeping the attention on you. By removing the leash too early, your dogs will start to ignore you. So remember not to be in a rush when teaching your dogs how to behave in a group setting.

It can be challenging to know when it is time to drop the leash. There is no fixed time in how long you should be leash training your pups as every dog is different. As a dog parent, usually you will know when they are ready to be trained off leash. But if you still have any doubts, it is better to leave them on the leash a little bit longer until you are fully sure of their obedience.  

Dog group training


We all know the importance of giving your dogs individual names. But did you know it is just as important to have a ‘group name’ for your dogs? This can just be something simple as ‘Boys’ or ‘Girls’. All your dogs should respond to the group name. For example, when you are in a forest with your dogs and you want to call one specific dog, you will only use their name. But when you want all dogs to come back to you, you can call their group name.  

One of the most effective ways to teach your dogs to respond to the group name is by having a bowl of their favorite treats. All your dogs should be on a leash which you hold with one hand. First, you ask each dog individually to sit and reward them separately immediately. Do this with all dogs about 2 or 3 times.

Make sure to be liberal with your praise. Next, have enough treats in your hand so there is enough for each of your pups. Call them by their group name and give the command. Praise them as soon as they show good behavior. Repeat this for a couple of times and take a short break. Repeat the whole routine again after the break. Your dogs will know they have two names within a couple of days.  


Treat all dogs equally 

When training in a group, it is often the case that some dogs are quicker to learn than others. It is your job to not play favorites. This is incredibly important for a good group dynamic. Make sure you treat all dogs equally.  

Having said that, you will have to pick a leashing and feeding order to keep good structure amongst your dogs. It is recommended to do this by age. Give attention first to the oldest dog, then the younger dogs. This is a natural order which won’t cause any tension in the group. Let us know in the comments if any of our training tips helped you and your dogs or if you have any tips that we have not yet mentioned.  

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Onlinedogworld Team

Our readers and writers have one thing in common: a passion for dogs. At Onlinedogworld we try to help dog owners (and dogs) by giving them information about dog breeds, dog training and dog behavior. Our team does their best to make Onlinedogworld the best possible place to go to for dog owners, by keep improving the website.
Onlinedogworld Team

Onlinedogworld Team

Our readers and writers have one thing in common: a passion for dogs. At Onlinedogworld we try to help dog owners (and dogs) by giving them information about dog breeds, dog training and dog behavior. Our team does their best to make Onlinedogworld the best possible place to go to for dog owners, by keep improving the website.

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