Why is my dog scared of balloons? (5 possible reasons)

Dog with balloon

Everyone is afraid of something, and this is also the case with dogs. There are several things or situations that can trigger fears in our canine friends. Even though some dogs appear to be fearless, usually there is something that can scare them in some ways. Some fears are more common than others but, all in all, it is quite common that your dog is afraid of something. And one of the most common dog fears is the fear of balloons.

This object, which usually humans relate with festive feelings, parties and joy, is something that scares a lot of dogs. Nevertheless, some furry friends actually love balloons and enjoy very much playing with them. Whichever is the case, you might be wondering: why is it that some dogs are so afraid of balloons? The answer is that there are many reasons that can explain a dog’s fear of balloons. Do you want to get to know the main explanations behind the canine fear of balloons? Read along to find out all you need to know about this curious dog behavior!


Dog fears: the origins

When thinking about the origins of dog fears, it is very important to understand that our furry friends can develop several types of phobias, and while there are many causes for them, some of the most usual fears of dogs can be explained by genetics, a lack of socialization in early life stage, or a specific bad or negative experience that results in a phobia. Dogs’ fears and phobias have consequences for the way they act and relate to others. In this sense, phobias can result in excessive drooling, trembling, destructive behavior, loud barking and, in the worst cases, violence.

Regarding the fear of balloons, as we mentioned above it is one of the most common dog phobias. Even though balloons are symbols of celebrations for humans in many cultures and are meant to make people happy, our furry friends may have completely different reactions to them. Understanding the reasons behind this fear can be very helpful to know how to help our dogs when they are frightened.


Globophobia: the fear of balloons

When thinking speicfically about the fear of balloons, as we described there are different things that can explain the reasons behind this quite common fear that many furry buddies can have. Understanding the most common explanations for a dog’s fear of balloons is very important to know how to take action if you want to help your furry buddy to overcome its fear.

Not all dogs are afraid of balloons for the same reasons. If your dog is scared of this object, the explanation behind this may vary. It can even be possible that different causes explain the fear of balloons. Whichever is the case of your furry buddy, here you will find out all you need to know about the main reasons behind this dog phobia.

Corgi with balloons

Reason 1: Balloon movements

One of the reasons that can explain why dogs are scared of balloons has to do with the specific ways in which balloons move. Balloons float around and bounce in a very particular way, unlike any other objects that you may find in a regular house where a dog can live. This unfamiliarity with such an object is one of the reasons that can explain why dogs are so scared of them. The odd way in which balloons move alert dogs and make them want to keep away from this object that they find so weird


Reason 2: The smell of balloons

As you have probably heard before, the sense of smell of our furry friends is significantly superior to that of a human. Actually, your dog’s sense of smell could be up to 100,000 times better than yours, depending on the breed, age, size of the dog and other aspects.

When considering balloons, these objects have a very strong and particular rubbery smell. Even though for a human’s sense of smell this odor may not be strong or too significant, for a dog this smell is highlighted much more, and not always in a pleasant way. Thus, the strong smell of balloons can also be something that triggers fear in our canine buddies.


Reason 4: How balloons can feel weird

Balloons also have very particular textures, and the feeling of it is not nice for many dogs. Therefore, being close to a balloon can be quite scary for canines, as they are not used to such a specific texture. Furthermore, if your dog tries to catch the balloon, the slippery texture, the shape and the size will make it very difficult. This may cause your dog to feel threatened by such an object.


Reason 5: Hot air balloons: a floating fear

Hot air balloons are a particular type of balloon that can be even more scary for some dogs. These objects float higher and can be bigger in size than normal balloons. Thus, the size and the floating nature of these objects can be quite intimidating for many canine buddies, even more than a normal balloon can be.

Chihuahua with balloon

Is there anything that can be done about it?

Fortunately, when thinking about dog phobias, there is always something that you can do to address them. First of all, the most important thing to know is that under no circumstance should you intentionally expose your dog to situations that generate fear in them. This will not only make the fear worse, but it will also create a very uncomfortable and unpleasant situation for your furry buddy.

Instead of this, what you can do to help your dog face its fears is use treats or food, just as you can do when you are training your buddy. Therefore, if you find yourself and your dog in a situation that you know can trigger your furry friend’s fear, be sure to have some yummy treat at hand and show it to your dog before or during the exposure to the situation or the object that triggers the fear. In this way, your dog will slowly start to relate the object or situation of fear to a more pleasant and happy thing, as is the food or treats it likes. Remember to be patient and do this slowly and with care. Fears are not an easy thing to face, and your dog will need time to overcome them.


Be attentive to your furry friend’s feelings

As you can see, there are many different reasons that can explain why dogs are so scared of balloons. It is the overall components of these curious objects that make it so intimidating for many of our furry friends. As we have explained here, the fear of balloons is quite common in dogs, and there are some measures that you can take if you want to help your dog to overcome it.

The most important thing is to consider that your dog will not stop being afraid of balloons overnight. Overcoming this fear will take some time, and you need to be careful and attentive to how your dog is feeling in order to make the process of overcoming the fear a smooth and easy one. Remember to be very patient and understanding with your buddy: even though a balloon can seem as an innocent object to you, your dog may not have the same experience. Is your furry friend also afraid of balloons? What is it about this object that you think scares your dog the most? Let us know in the comments below!

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Onlinedogworld Team

Our readers and writers have one thing in common: a passion for dogs. At Onlinedogworld we try to help dog owners (and dogs) by giving them information about dog breeds, dog training and dog behavior. Our team does their best to make Onlinedogworld the best possible place to go to for dog owners, by keep improving the website.

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