Most important tips for new dog owners

Puppy in grass field

Welcoming a dog to your life for the first time is an exciting and joyful experience. There’s nothing like the amazing feeling of knowing that you will share your life journey with a dog, which will accompany you and love you no matter what. Watching it grow, develop, play, go for walks, meet other dogs and other humans is all part of the wonderful experience of having a dog in your family. 

As much as having a dog can bring you happiness, it can also be quite a challenge, especially during the first weeks or months. Moreover, if this is your first dog, then you must have many questions and doubts! No worries, we are here to help. In this article we’re going to tell you all about the best tips and ideas to take into account if you are a new dog owner or are about to become one.  


Getting the gear ready 

There are a few indispensable items that you will want to get before your new puppy arrives. So, our first tip for you is: be sure to get all the things that your puppy will need so that, when it arrives, everything is settled. 

What are the main items that a new puppy-owner must have? To point out a few, this would be: a collar and an ID tag, water and food bowls, a few toys for the puppy to chew and play with, soft treats for training, a bed and a crate. 


It’s bedtime! 

Just like it happens with human babies, initially puppies don’t have fixed sleeping routines. Especially during their first weeks of life, puppies usually wake up several times in the middle of the night, and it takes them some time to adjust their sleeping patterns. 

Our main advice to help your puppy adjust its sleeping times is to create a routine that they can follow and get used to. Try to schedule the meal times, playing times and sleeping times so that the puppy can get used to the routine. This way, it will start to have a more fixed sleeping pattern that will be better for the puppy and also for you and your family. Crate training can also be very useful for this, as it’s a way of providing the puppy with a safe space that they can get used to, recognize easily and feel comfortable. 

Corgi puppy

Puppy-proofing your house 

Now that a new member is arriving at your home, you’ll have to make some space! And by this we don’t only mean setting up a safe space for the puppy, but also making sure that the rooms and places of your house are safe. 

As you probably have heard, puppies love to chew everything around them. This is their way of getting to know the world and discovering their surroundings. In this sense, it’s important to consider that there are some things that can be quite dangerous for them to chew. So, consider puppy-proofing your home before your new buddy arrives. 

Some tips for doing this are ensuring that the plants you have both inside your house and in your balcony, garden or yard if you have one are not toxic for dogs and puppies. Yes, in case you didn’t know, there are some plants that can be a serious risk for our furry friends! Do some research to ensure that your plants are safe and, if they are not, be sure to place them in high spots that the puppy can’t reach.  

Moreover, pay attention to other dangerous items that the puppy could bite, such as plugs and wires, sharp objects or food that can be toxic for them. Also, consider protecting the objects that you don’t want the puppy to destroy, such as shoes, rugs or furniture. 


Can you leave the puppy alone? 

Yes, indeed you can, and it’s actually good for them, because this way they learn to become more independent and they will be used to staying alone when they grow up. The best tip for leaving your puppy alone, at least for the first few times, is to have a crate for them to stay in while you’re not home.

This way you will be sure that the puppy is in a safe space that’s prepared for them. Be sure to put the puppy’s toys, food and water in the crate, and not to leave any item that can be dangerous for them lying around.  


Feeding your puppy 

There are plenty of food options especially made for puppies, with all the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. Be sure to choose the one that is best for them. A visit to the vet to get some advice on this is always a good idea. It’s also important to be constant and regular with the brand and type of food you choose to give the puppy. But you should change the food when your vet indicates you to change it for another brand or type.  

Be careful with the food that’s lying around your house! There are several things that, even though they are perfectly healthy for humans, can be very toxic for dogs. Foods such as chocolate, onions, grapes, raisins or alcohol are very dangerous for dogs, so make sure that your new puppy doesn’t have access to these things! 


Ideas for play time 

Having moments to play and have fun is very important for the development of your new puppy. Through playing, puppies release tensions and energy, discover the world and forge relationships with the environment, the family and even other fellow dogs! 

There are plenty of different toys that you can get your puppy. The best ones are those that the puppy can comfortably bite because, as we mentioned, biting and chewing is a key part of their early moments of life.  

It’s also important that you and the members of your family also take some time to play with the puppy. This is essential for you to develop the bond and the relationship with your new buddy, and also for the puppy to get used to its new family. 

Puppy with flower in mouth

Going to the vet 

A very important tip that you should take into consideration is to have a vet that you can trust to take care of your puppy’s health. Their first moments of life are essential for them to grow and develop so, as you can imagine, it’s important to keep them controlled, properly vaccinated and make sure that they are keeping healthy.  

It’s a good idea to do a full physical exam of the puppy within a week of their arrival to your house, to make sure that he or she is doing okay. This is also in case there are any issues that he or she might have and need to be treated. 


Start the training! 

Puppies have a lot to learn and to discover! So, it’s a good idea to slowly start training them when you receive them in your family. Some people prefer to hire dog trainers, and this is a good idea, but it’s not essential: you can always train the puppy yourself with a few tips and tricks. 

Firstly, always have some treats at hand to give your puppy as a reward. This is a way of reinforcing positive behavior. The crate is also a key element for the training: this way they learn to recognize their space and learn how to pee and poop in the designated spaces for it. Finally, the toys can also be a very handy element for training them on knowing what they can chew and what they are not supposed to.  


Making new friends 

When the time comes that the puppy is fully vaccinated, a bit more grown and ready, be sure to give them the time and space to socialize and meet with other dogs and puppies. Making friends is very important for dogs! They are very sociable animals, and in order to stay healthy and happy they need to have some time to share, connect and bond with others of their same species. Take them for a walk round your street or meet up with friends or family members who also have dogs, to make sure that the puppy has enough moments of socializing. 

With all these tips and ideas, now you are more than ready to welcome your new puppy home! As much as one can think ahead to have everything settled, there are always situations and things that happen that are out of our reach, so don’t worry if the first days or weeks are a bit chaotic, this is perfectly normal! After all, it’s a whole new experience, both for you and your family and for the puppy, so it may take a bit of time to get adjusted to everything.  

Nevertheless, there’s one thing that we can be certain about: you’re on a journey to share amazing moments of fun, love and affection with your new furry friend! If you want to share your experiences or tips, please let us know in the comments. We would like to know!   

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Onlinedogworld Team

Our readers and writers have one thing in common: a passion for dogs. At Onlinedogworld we try to help dog owners (and dogs) by giving them information about dog breeds, dog training and dog behavior. Our team does their best to make Onlinedogworld the best possible place to go to for dog owners, by keep improving the website.
Onlinedogworld Team

Onlinedogworld Team

Our readers and writers have one thing in common: a passion for dogs. At Onlinedogworld we try to help dog owners (and dogs) by giving them information about dog breeds, dog training and dog behavior. Our team does their best to make Onlinedogworld the best possible place to go to for dog owners, by keep improving the website.

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