Cockapoo: Everything about this Dog Breed

Cockapoo in grasveld

The Cockapoo is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. It is a dog known for its loving nature and this breed really loves to spend time together with its owners, preferably as much as possible. The Cockapoo was initially developed by American breeders with the aim of creating a real companion dog which they certainly succeeded in doing.

Besides that this type of dog is popular in America, it is also gaining popularity in the Netherlands and surrounding areas, but it is still a relatively unknown dog breed in the Netherlands. Would you like to know more about this breed of dog? Then read on below.


History: from American brokerage

Around the 1960s there was an increasing demand in the United States for small loving dog breeds. It was also important that the dog breed was healthy with few medical conditions, they wanted to do this through hybrid growth. This ensures that the characteristics of the parents are surpassed and you only keep the good characteristics.


The character: bred for love

The Cockapoo is a dog with an enormous loving character. This is not surprising since this was an important aspect for the breeders to start breeding this dog in the first place. It does not matter to the Cockapoo whether you are young or old, and if you give your Cockapoo time he will also get used to all kinds of animals. The only thing that is really important in the eyes of your Cockapoo is that he gets enough attention from his owner. Occasionally there can be some jealousy, but that will soon go away when you give him some attention again.

Cockapoo close up

The appearance of the Cockapoo

Depending on the type of Cockapoo you own, the appearance is different. For example, there are three different types of Cockapoo, namely the standard, toy and miniature. The standard Cockapoo is the largest and heaviest; he is about 38 inches high and can weigh up to 10 pounds. Compare this to the Cockapoo Toy which grows to 25 centimeters in height and weighs only 5 kilograms. This leaves the Cockapoo miniature which is a bit in between, it grows to 28 to 35 centimeters in height and can weigh between 6 and 9 kilograms.

The Cockapoo comes in many different colors such as gray, white, black or dark brown. Especially the latter is a popular color among owners. A Cockapoo can reach an age of 14 to 15 years, making it one of the oldest dog breeds available. The coat is generally the same and consists of a medium-length coat with outliers to the ears and tail where the coat becomes somewhat longer and fuller.


The care

The Cockapoo likes to be at home a lot and three times a 20 minute walk is sufficient for his exercise. The coat should be combed every few weeks, paying close attention to any tangles. These often arise near the ears and can be very annoying for your dog.

There are also several exercises that you can do with your dog that are good for him. These are exercises that stimulate the mental state of your dog and keep him mentally healthy. With this you prevent behavioral problems, and if you combine this with physical exercises the effect is even better. Examples of mental exercises are: tricks, hiding something or commands.

Cockapoo liggend

Are there any diseases that occur in this breed?

Because the Cockapoo is still a fairly new breed of dog that was created in the 1960s. Little is known about diseases and disorders that occur in this dog. What is known about this breed of dog is that Cockapoos have problems with their eyes and ears more often than average. It is therefore good to pay attention to this in the care of your dog.


Dog training for this breed

It is always good to have your dog participate in puppy training as a puppy. By doing this, your dog will learn how to deal with other dogs from an early age and he will know how to behave himself. It is also a great opportunity to create a bond with your dog by doing this together.


What does a Cockapoo cost?

A Cockapoo puppy costs between $1200 and $2500. There is no specific price to mention for this breed, this depends on where you buy the dog, nevertheless you should quickly think of this amount. Always try to make sure you buy a puppy from a certified breeder.

This is committed with much love for a specific breed and ensures the preservation and improvement of this breed. It is also important to pay attention to the environment; is it clean, for example? Do the mother dog and her puppies get enough rest, but are they involved in daily life? Are there more animals around and are they dealt with?

Cockapoo puppy rennnend

How much exercise does this breed need?

This breed of dog does not mind being at home a lot and playing here with its owners. It is important that your Cockapoo goes for a walk of about twenty minutes at least three times a day. He will also love to go on adventures with you, but it is not a breed of dog that can sus